Does Hoya Like Humidity

Does Hoya Like Humidity

Hoyas, or wax plants, are tropical vines that make great houseplants. They’re known for their attractive, ornate foliage and their ability to flower indoors. But like all houseplants, Hoyas need the right environment to thrive. One of the most important factors is humidity. So, does Hoya like humidity?

Yes, Hoya plants prefer high levels of humidity. They are native to tropical climates and do best in environments with 50% to 70% humidity. That said, Hoyas can survive in lower levels of humidity. But if you want your Hoya to look its best and keep its vibrant colors, it’s important to provide the right humidity levels.

Tips for Increasing Humidity for Your Hoya Plant

Here are some tips for keeping your Hoya happy and healthy:

  • Place your Hoya plant on a pebble tray. Fill a tray with pebbles and add water to the tray. Place your Hoya pot on top of the tray, making sure the pot is not sitting in the water. As the water evaporates, it will increase the humidity around your Hoya.

  • Mist your Hoya plant. Mist your Hoya every few days with a spray bottle filled with room temperature water. This will help boost humidity levels around your Hoya.

  • Put your Hoya near a humidifier. If you have a humidifier in your home, place your Hoya near it. This will help ensure your Hoya gets the humidity it needs to thrive.

  • Group your houseplants. Grouping your houseplants together can help increase humidity levels around your Hoya. This is because the plants will help trap moisture in the air.

  • Fertilize your Hoya. Fertilizing your Hoya monthly can help keep it healthy and help it grow. Use a fertilizer specifically formulated for Hoyas.

  • Keep your Hoya away from heat sources. Heat sources like radiators and heat vents can dry out the air around your Hoya, so make sure to keep it away from these sources.

Signs That Your Hoya Needs More Humidity

If your Hoya is not getting enough humidity, it will show signs of distress. Here are some signs to look for:

  • Droopy leaves. If your Hoya’s leaves start to droop, it could be a sign that it needs more humidity.

  • Brown or yellow leaves. Brown or yellow leaves can be a sign of too little humidity.

  • Wilting flowers. If your Hoya’s flowers start to wilt, it could be a sign that it needs more humidity.

  • Lack of growth. If your Hoya is not growing, it could mean that it needs more humidity.

  • Leaves turning crispy. Crispy leaves can be a sign of too little humidity.

If your Hoya is showing signs of distress, it’s important to increase the humidity around it. You can do this by following the tips above or by using a humidifier. Increasing the humidity around your Hoya will help it look its best and keep it healthy.


Hoyas are tropical plants that prefer high levels of humidity. If you want your Hoya to look its best and keep its vibrant colors, it’s important to provide the right humidity levels. To increase humidity, you can place your Hoya on a pebble tray, mist it regularly, group it with other houseplants, and keep it away from heat sources. If you notice your Hoya is showing signs of distress, it’s important to increase the humidity around it.

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